Stores get behind Chloe and Liam Trust to boost funds

Chloe & Liam Together Forever Trust support by th CO-OP
Back area manager Michael Boucher and store manager Cheryl Gray.
Front trust's Mark Rutherford and Caroline CurryChloe & Liam Together Forever Trust support by th CO-OP
Back area manager Michael Boucher and store manager Cheryl Gray.
Front trust's Mark Rutherford and Caroline Curry
Chloe & Liam Together Forever Trust support by th CO-OP Back area manager Michael Boucher and store manager Cheryl Gray. Front trust's Mark Rutherford and Caroline Curry
A '˜co-operative' fundraising effort is helping raise £20,000 in aid of a Trust helping to inspire talented young people to fulfil their dreams.

Co-Op stores across Tyne and Wear are getting behind the Chloe and Liam Together Forever Trust by hosting a variety of events throughout the year.

By working together, teams from 20 stores aim to raise £20,000 by the end of 2018.

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Chloe Rutherford and Liam CurryChloe Rutherford and Liam Curry
Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry

The Trust was created in celebration of the lives of Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry.

The couple, described as ‘perfect’ for each other, were killed in the Manchester Arena Terror Attack, last May.

The Trust aims to nurture the talents of aspiring performers and talented sportspeople, through the use of bursaries, as a lasting legacy for the pair, whose deaths touched the hearts of the hearts of the people throughout South Tyneside.

Chloe, 17, was a talented performer while Liam, 19, was a keen cricketer.

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Chloe Rutherford and Liam CurryChloe Rutherford and Liam Curry
Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry

Already the stores have raised almost £4,000 through the sale of the Trust’s wristbands and fundraising efforts.

Michael Boucher, Co-op area manager, said: “Everybody in the local area has been deeply affected by the tragic loss of Chloe and Liam – two young people in the prime of their life.

“Our store teams felt strongly that they had to do something to support the two families’ fundraising efforts. We have a plan of events across the year and in addition are selling memorial wristbands in stores. The response has been overwhelming and so far we have raised over £3,800 in just six weeks, which means we are firmly on track to raise £20,000 by the end of the year for the Together Forever Trust.

“It’s wonderful to think that so many young people in the area could benefit from such an appalling tragedy and we remain in awe of Chloe and Liam’s families who have managed to do something so positive in the face of such heartbreak.”

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Work is now currently underway to mark the first anniversary of the atrocity which claimed the lives of 22 people in Manchester.

A civic memorial services will be held at Manchester Cathedral, with families of the victims invited to attend, on the afternoon of May 22, followed by a vigil held in Albert Square - a place where people came together to pay their respects after the attack.

Manchester City Council has also put plans in place for people to leave messages and tributes on trees around the city centre in the lead up to the anniversary.

For more details on the Trust and to apply for a bursary visit the Chloe and Liam Together Forever Trust on Facebook. Michael Boucher