South Shields mum battling cancer turned down for new drug treatment

Esma Richardson was told she wasnt able to take part in a new drugs trial as she continues to battle cancerEsma Richardson was told she wasnt able to take part in a new drugs trial as she continues to battle cancer
Esma Richardson was told she wasnt able to take part in a new drugs trial as she continues to battle cancer
A mum who is battling cancer has suffered a bitter blow after being turned down for a pioneering new drug treatment. '¨Esma Richardson, from South Shields, had hoped she would be eligible to take part in a trial called VanSel - 1.

The treatment would have seen the mum of three - who was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer in 2014, which then spread to 19 other parts of her body - take two types of medication - vandetanib and selumetinib.

The trial would have been funded by the Sir Bobby Robson Foundation and it had been hoped the drugs would have helped stop cancerous cells from growing - helping to prolong her life.

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Esma Richardson.Esma Richardson.
Esma Richardson.

She had now vowed to fight on after being told she is ineligible for the drug trial because of a problem with her eyes.

The 39-year-old from Broughton Road, South Shields, is determined to remain positive and is currently undergoing her second course of chemotherapy.

She said: “When I was told I couldn’t be part of the drugs trial I was heartbroken.

“I had undergone all the scans and tests and everything was looking fine for me to start the trials.

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Esma Richardson.Esma Richardson.
Esma Richardson.

“But then they said they had found something wrong with my eyes. They said the test had shown something growing in my eye and, because of this. I wasn’t able to take part.”

She added: “I didn’t want to have chemotherapy but it was the only option left open to me. I was heartbroken.

“I has left me feeling so tired and has knocked me for six - but I’m not going to give up.

“I’ve always been a positive person but when I was told about the drugs trial and I wouldn’t be able to take part, it was a blow.

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“But I’ve picked myself up and I’m determined to keep on fighting and to keep on living my life the best I can for me and my family.”

Esma is currently trying to raise £50,000 to help pay for a treatment called Stereotactic radiotherapy which would kill off one of the tumours unable to be operated on by the NHS.

A series of fundraising events have already taken place with a Spiritualist Night lined up for Wednesday October 25.

The evening will be held at The New Crown in Mowbray Road. South Shields. A raffle will also be held during the event.

Tickets priced £10 are available by contacting Kerry on 07949 566 931.

To follow Esma’s journey visit Esma’s Journey on Facebook.