"Scrap the TV tax" - Gazette readers call for other ways of paying for BBC programmes

Readers think there should be another way of paying for BBC programmes other than the license fee.Readers think there should be another way of paying for BBC programmes other than the license fee.
Readers think there should be another way of paying for BBC programmes other than the license fee.
The majority of Gazette readers who voted in a recent poll think there should be another way of paying for BBC programmes other than the license fee.

Former political correspondent John Sergeant, who was the BBC’s chief political correspondent from 1992 to 2000, said the BBC licence fee has become “increasingly out of date.”

The ex-journalist said other ways of paying for BBC programmes should be considered.

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So, on Tuesday, January 28, in our Facebook poll we asked: “Do you think there should other means of paying for BBC programmes - such as subscription, programme sponsorship advertising?”

At the time of writing, just over 500 people had voted with 91% saying yes and 9% saying no.

Here are some of the comments we received.

Dave Smith said: “Why pay for BBC? I used to watch BBC Three until they made it only available online. All BBC channels should be covered with a licence.”

Diana Lambton argued: “It is strange that the government have us bound up in a non-negotiable, one sided contract for essentially two channels we can easily do without. In British law, a contract should not be biased to one party or another. It can easily be scrapped or people should be allowed to opt out and still watch TV.

“When you buy a washing machine, you’re not contracted to Bold or Daz, so this should be illegal.”

Peter Watt said: “Scrap the TV tax. The BBC have had it to good for too long.”

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