How a Jarrow firm is helping little Isabel Freeman and her family get more mobile

Five year old IsabelFive year old Isabel
Five year old Isabel
Kind-hearted company bosses have helped a young girl with severe disabilities and her family get more mobile.

Jarrow-based UTS Engineering has donated £4,230 for the purchase of a wheelchair for five-year-old Isabel Freeman.

Isabel Freeman was born with Spinal Muscular Atrophy type 2, a life-limiting condition that progressively destroys lower motor neurons-nerve cells in the brain stem and spinal cord.

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As a full-time wheelchair user, Isabel needs to have major surgery in the coming weeks as her condition has deteriorated and caused her to have severe scoliosis.

Her parents Iain and Karen were told she can’t have the surgery until her home has been fully modified and have since been granted £30,000 from Bath Council and have £10,000 in savings but need to raise a further £15,000 towards modifications.

Iain said: “We are extremely grateful to UTS Engineering for gifting us the money to purchase a wheelchair for Isabel. All we want to do is keep Isabel as mobile as possible so that she can get around by herself and play with her friends.

“I am fortunate to have an excellent employer, Bridges (Electrical Engineers), who allowed me to contact our suppliers to ask for their support. UTS Engineering responded straight away and asked what they could do to help.”

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Isabel and her parents, who live in Bath, have had to move in with family for the last nine weeks whilst work is under way and they anticipate it will be another month until they can move back home.

Iain added: “We have been making adaptations to our home since we found out about Isabel’s condition four years ago but it suddenly became imperative that we fully modify our house so that Isabel can have much needed surgery.”

Shaun Sadler, managing director, UTS Engineering, was keen to help after hearing Isabel’s story, he said: “Isabel is an amazingly brave little girl and we were more than happy to do what we could to help.”

All money raised will go towards the adaptations in Isabel’s house, including a wet room, ramps, access to all family rooms and garden and hoisting as well as specialist beds.