Pensioner calls for action over Hebburn parking danger

Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.
Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.
A parking protester has told of his fears a pedestrian could be killed if traffic chiefs fail to clamp down on drivers who park illegally in disabled bays.

Retired professional wrestler John Welsh has repeated his demands for action after gathering fresh evidence of alleged motoring offences in Hebburn town centre.

In the latest infringement, he says he spotted a red delivery van reversing deep onto the pavement outside shops while making a three-point turn.

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Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.
Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.

Mr Welsh, 77, who lives in Hebburn, believes if such manoeuvres continue, a shopper will soon be run over.

He also repeated his concerns that drivers are flouting the law by parking in disabled bays on Station Road and Glen Street.

To fightback, he last year launched a petition which he planned to send to South Tyneside Council.

Unfortunately, many of the 500 signatures were lost when part of it was misplaced by a fellow campaigner.

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Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.
Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.

Instead of going back on the streets to gather fresh signatures, he wants to discuss the problem parking with Martin Swales, the council’s chief executive.

Mr Welsh said: “Some of the driving I’ve seen lately defies belief. I genuinely fear that someone is going to be killed by it unless something is done and done now.

“As well as the danger, it is causing damage to the paving. In some places, it is starting to lift. I love Hebburn but sadly you have some people who just don’t care about their actions.”

He added: “It’s unfortunate that we lost part of the petition and it would would save me a lot of time and trouble if I could just meet with the chief executive of the council. I’d like to know if that is possible.”

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Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.
Hebburn resident John Welsh with his Disabled Bay parking petition.

Mr Welsh and friends started the petition in November and in just two days had secured over 200 signatures.

The Blue Badge holder says the main areas of concern are around bays outside Asda, on Station Road, and in Hebburn Central car park, on Glen Street.

He pinpoints the worst period as being after 5pm on weekdays, and on Saturdays. His plan for action includes the introduction of CCTV to catch illegal parkers.

A spokesman for South Tyneside Council said: “We do regular patrols in Hebburn, within our limited resources, and issue Penalty Charge Notices to those people who park illegally in disabled bays.

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Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.
Reader pictures of parking in disabled bays in Hebburn.

“Bays reserved for Blue Badge holders are there to give people with disabilities easier access to local amenities.

“We would encourage people to park courteously and only use these spaces if they have the right to do so.”