Customers' feedback to South Shields firm boosts charity

Dianne Erskine is handed a cheque by Solar Solves Julie Lightfoot.Dianne Erskine is handed a cheque by Solar Solves Julie Lightfoot.
Dianne Erskine is handed a cheque by Solar Solves Julie Lightfoot.
Customers who took time out to give a South Tyneside marine company their views have helped boost the funds of a seafaring charity.

Solar Solve, based on Simonside East Industrial Park, has handed over a cheque for £250 to the Mission to Seamen.

The cash was raised by telling customers who completed feedback forms that every one returned would lead to a charitable donation.

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Company chairman John Lightfoot said: “When I first set up over 40 years ago I endeavoured to establish from my customers how they felt I was doing.

“Occasionally we were contacted if someone had a complaint, though not that often.”

“We got just as many compliments and very few of either. That may sound good, but you need to know about both.”

After considering a number of different ways to encourage feedback the company chose to do it in a way which supported the South Shields branch of the Mission to Seafarers.

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The charity provides support and helps to look after the welfare of seafarers.

Managing director Julie Lightfoot said: “The Mission to Seafarers was the most popular choice and its work is appreciated by everyone in the industry.

“That’s why we opted to support the South Shields branch, as we really admire the commitment it gets from Dianne Erskine, her staff and the many local volunteers that do an amazing job supporting her.”

Information on Solar Solve Marine and its product range can be found by visiting, emailing [email protected] or calling 0191 454 8595.