Court hears how brute held knife to puppy’s throat and attacked ex partner

Newcastle Crown Court. Newcastle Crown Court.
Newcastle Crown Court.
The man was banned from having contact with his former girlfriend due to past behaviour when he turned up at her home.

A brute held a knife to a puppy’s throat and attacked his ex partner and her neighbour during a terrifying confrontation.

Ryan McGlen was banned from having contact with his former girlfriend due to past behaviour when he turned up at her home in South Tyneside in March.

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Newcastle Crown Court heard McGlen warned his ex he was going to glass her in the face then grabbed a kitchen knife and threatened to stab her.

Prosecutor Uzma Khan told the court the victim begged McGlen to stop but added: “He pushed the knife into her head. She thought he was going to kill her.”

Miss Khan said McGlen’s own grandad arrived and helped the victim get away but added: “The defendant then goes towards her puppy and threatens to slit the puppy’s throat.

“He picked it up and held a knife to its throat.”

The court heard McGlen did put the animal down but then made further threats to harm the pup and warned he would “snap her neck”.

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McGlen then punched his ex in the face and knocked her to the ground before a neighbour heard the commotion and came to help.

He then punched the neighbour in the side of the head and kicked her before the police arrived.

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McGlen’s ex said in an impact statement: “When he started to put the knife into my head I thought he was going to kill me.

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“I thought this is the day my parents have been dreading, they’re going to get a knock at the door from the police saying their daughter has been killed.”

Her neighbour said in her impact statement: “I tried to protect my neighbour and try to de-escalate the situation. I should not have been assaulted trying to do this.”

McGlen, 32, of Atkinson Road, Newcastle, admitted breach of a restraining order, assault and common assault.

He has previous convictions, which include violence and was the subject of a restraining order to protect his ex at the time.

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Rachel Hedworth, defending, said McGlen has spent six months in custody on remand and added: “Every time he has been in trouble he has been under the influence of substances. He has never had the benefit of drug rehabilitation.

“He is completely sorry for the way he behaved.”

Judge Stephen Earl sentenced McGlen to two years, suspended for two years, with drug rehabilitation requirements.

Judge Earl said: “He’s got one chance and one chance only. He stays out of trouble or goes into custody.”

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