Summer boost for South Tyne home owners

House prices boostHouse prices boost
House prices boost
Home owners in South Tyneside enjoyed a summer boost in house prices, according to new figures.

Land Registry figures show house prices in the area increased by 2.1% in July - contributing to the longer-term trend, which has seen prices achieve 13.4% annual growth.

The average South Tyneside house price in July was £149,545.

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Across the North East, prices in July decreased by 3.5% and 3.7% nationally.

Over the last year, the average sale price of property in South Tyneside rose by £18,000.

Owners of flats saw the biggest improvement in prices – increasing by 2.6% to an average of £89,413. Over the last year, prices rose by 11.3%.

The value of a detached home rose by 2.1% over the month – up 14.9% annually to an average of £277,352.

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Semi-detached house prices were up 2.2% monthly – and 13.3% annually to an average of £166,193.

The price of a terraced home rose by 1.8% month o month – up 14% annually to an average of £131,574.

First-time buyers in South Tyneside spent an average of £133,000 on their property – £15,000 more than a year ago, and £22,000 more than in July 2016.

Buyers paid 3.2% more than the average price in the North East – £145,000 - in July for a property in South Tyneside.

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Across the North East, property prices remain low compared to the rest of the UK, where the average cost is £256,000.

The most expensive properties in the North East were in Northumberland – £180,000 on average.